Many individuals obsess over how many calories they burn throughout the day, but few are aware that obtaining a decent night’s rest can also burn calories. There is a tone of information that suggests weight gain is a result of poor sleep habits, both in terms of quantity and quality. Burning calories while sleeping helps regulate weight and prevent obesity.
REM(Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is important for regulating weight and preventing obesity, according to sleep expert Dr. Michael Brue. Poor sleep habits can lead to weight gain, so it is crucial to get a good night’s rest.
During REM sleep, our glucose metabolism quickens, boosting the rate at which calories are expended. Although getting too much sleep slows down your metabolism, obtaining more sleep increases how many calories you burn each day.
How many calories can you burn while sleeping? Find out how many calories you can burn while sleeping and learn some tips to help you boost your calorie burning.
- What is your daily calorie burn?
- How to determine the calories you burn while sleeping?
- How much energy do you expend while sleeping?
- So how do you figure out your special capacity for calorie burning as you sleep?
- BMR formula:
- During rapid eye movement sleep, dreams occur (REM)
- Are there any further elements that affect sleep burn?
- Summary:
What is your daily calorie burn?
We burn approximately 50 calories every hour while we sleep, to give you a rough estimate. However, each person burns a different quantity of calories during sleeping, based on their specific basal metabolic rate (BMR). It is also pronounced as the basic resting metabolic rate.
The energy required for fundamental processes including breathing, circulation, controlling body temperature, and cellular growth and repair is referred to as the basal metabolic rate.
Most people’s basal metabolic rate is responsible for 80% of their daily calorie expenditure. 20% of the calories we ingest when at rest are burned by the brain, which uses glucose as fuel.
The body repairs and regenerates when you sleep. Our body temperature drops, our breathing slows down, and our metabolism slows down to help us do this more efficiently.
Comparing their basal metabolic rate during the day to their sleep-related calorie expenditure, most persons typically burn 15% fewer calories at night.

Calorie intake:
Dr. Michael, a sleep expert, claims that while we sleep, particularly during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage, our bodies burn calories.
Our glucose metabolism speeds up during REM sleep, increasing the rate at which calories are burned. The more hours of sleep you get, the more calories you burn; however, getting too much sleep decreases your metabolism.
The number of calories:
A person’s weight and the number of hours spent sleeping while awake impact how many calories are burnt during sleep. Burn fewer calories or more? A person typically burns 0.42 calories for every pound during sleep, on average.
In this case, a 150 lb. One individual burns around 63 calories in an hour. This person sleeps for eight hours in total and expends 504 calories throughout that time.
Simply multiply the average rate by the number of sleep hours and pounds of weight. As a result, more calories are expended the bigger a person is and the longer they sleep.
The basal metabolic rate?
Only a few of the variables that affect basal metabolic rate can be altered from person to person:
- Height and weight: A person’s body needs more calories to function the larger it is.
- Fitness: Since muscle burns more calories than fat, persons who are fit and participate in regular physical activity do so even when they are at rest.
- Gender: The BMR6 is often higher in men.
- Age: A growing youngster has a stronger metabolism, but as we become older, our metabolic needs go down.
- Diet: Maintaining a balanced diet can help control how much body fat is present.
- Sleep quality: The metabolism is negatively impacted by both insufficient sleep and poor sleep quality.
- Race: According to certain studies, African-Americans may naturally have a lower BMR.
- Genetics: The metabolism may be somewhat influenced by genetics.
- Hormones and medical diseases: The basal metabolic rate can increase or decrease during pregnancy, lactation, menopause, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and other conditions. If you think your metabolism may be impacted by an underlying issue, speak with your doctor.
How to determine the calories you burn while sleeping?
A calorimeter must be used to determine your precise basal metabolic rate. A calorimeter examines the oxygen and carbon dioxide your body is breathing in and exhaling to determine how much energy you are consuming. How many calories do you burn? Sleep deprivation cannot lose weight.
Most frequently, those who wish to get the most precise measurement of their basal metabolic rate spend the night in a lab, refrain from physical activity for 24 hours, fast for 12 hours, and get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before the measurement.
The calories burned sleeping calculator can help you estimate how many calories you burn during sleep. Factors that can affect your calorie burn rate include your size, sex and age. The average person burns around 1800 to 2300 calories a day doing nothing.
These specifics are crucial since digestion and exercise are metabolic activities that require a lot of energy. The measurements are then performed the following morning in a cool, dark environment.
Calories affected by stages?
Different sleep stages burn calories at different rates. Although the body’s essential processes like breathing and circulation continue all night long, its energy needs fluctuate.
The most energy-intensive stage of sleep is known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Our heart rates rise during REM sleep, and our brains display patterns of activity comparable to those seen during the day. The requirement for glucose rises as a result of elevated brain activity, which also speeds up metabolism.
Heart rate, breathing, core body temperature, and brain activity all decrease to almost nothing in stage three “deep” sleep. The growth hormone is released at this time, and stage three sleep is regarded to be crucial for the immune system. However, during stage three of sleep, the brain uses less glucose.
Does sleeping cause you to burn calories?
Your body burns calories on its own, even while you sleep, so you don’t need to practice hot yoga or the KETO-genic diet.
Don’t jump right into bed during the upcoming week. Sleeping is not the same as going to the gym. However, your body continues to burn calories as you sleep.
How hard does your body have to work to burn calories when you dream of monsters and arrive at work in your underwear?
That depends on things like your weight, metabolism, and how much sleep you get each night.
How much energy do you expend while sleeping?
Generally speaking, you’ll burn more calories when sleeping the more you weigh. A 125-pound person, for instance, expends roughly 38 calories every hour as they sleep.
That doesn’t seem like much, just to be honest. However, if you increase that by the 7 to 9 hours of sleep that is advised, you should expect to burn between 266 and 342 calories each night.
So how do you figure out your special capacity for calorie burning as you sleep?
Your metabolism; the mechanism by which your body transforms food into usable energy is the key to everything. Your body must need energy only to breathe, circulate blood, and keep your organs functioning properly. It burns calories.
Your basal metabolic rate (BMR), on the other hand, is a measure of how many calories you burn while at rest, which includes watching “Friends” reruns or passing out on the couch.
BMR formula:
Want to determine your BMR? Using inches for height and pounds for weight, use the following calculation to account for your sex, weight, and age:
• BMR for women is 655.1 + (4.35 x weight) + (4.7 x height) – (4.7 x age)
• BMR for men is equal to 66 + (6.2 x weight) + (12.7 x height) – 6.76 x age.
• A 30-year-old female who weighs 140 pounds and is 5 feet 5 inches tall, for example, would burn:
• 1,439 calories are consumed in a day at rest if you consume 655.1 + 4.35 x 140 pounds + 4.7 x 65 inches – 4. 7 x 30 years (or 60 calories per hour while sleeping)
During rapid eye movement sleep, dreams occur (REM)
During this, your eyes move quickly in different directions but don’t transmit any visual information to your brain. Higher blood pressure and heart rate result in faster breathing. After falling asleep, this occurs an hour to an hour and a half later.
The various stages of sleep demand various amounts of energy, according to Rachel Larkin, a Registered Nutritionist of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT (opens in new tab)). The greatest energy demand occurs during rapid eye movement sleep.
The brain is more engaged and the heart rate rises. Because glucose is needed for brain function, metabolism rises.
- Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is when our bodies burn the most calories, he claimed. We burn the most calories during this phase since that’s when our brains are working the hardest and we burn the most glucose.
Are there any further elements that affect sleep burn?
Even if you are a literal boss all night, running in your fantasies won’t help you burn more calories while you sleep.
You can increase your BMR by increasing your metabolism by engaging in healthy food and exercise. Through exercise, muscle mass is reduced and many calories are burned.
Resting metabolic rate can lose weight and lose your body weight. Additionally, by doing this, whether you’re drifting through dreamland or jogging around the neighborhood, your body will constantly burn more calories.
Here are some other elements that may influence your metabolism.
Nighttime cravings:
Nothing compares to pizza at midnight, am I right? Despite what you may have heard, eating before bed won’t decrease your metabolism, according to scientists.
In reality, a mechanism known as thermogenesis can make those late-night snacks temporarily increase your metabolism (the dissipation of energy as heat after you eat).
Gains in muscle:
The number of muscles depends on the number of calories you’ll burn. Therefore, including daily exercise—especially strength training—will increase the number of calories you burn while you sleep (and when you hit snooze… 10 times).
Drinking coffee:
According to some research, caffeine temporarily boosts your metabolism, which may last until bedtime. However, hold off on downing Red Bulls or cappuccinos just yet.
Drinking coffee burned fewer calories. The existence of a long-term weight loss impact of caffeine has not yet been sufficiently shown by studies.
Baby, burn, burn! As you slept
Whether you burn 500 calories or 1,000 each night, congratulate yourself because your body is working hard.
However, there are several steps you may do if you want to burn more calories while you sleep and all the time. Here are a few more things that can impact your metabolism and how much energy you burn when you sleep.
Burning calories while sleeping is a real thing. And it’s not just a matter of being up and about – your body burns calories all night long, even when you’re at rest. So if you’re looking to boost your metabolism and lose weight, make sure you get a good night’s sleep.